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Why Dogs Eat Poop and How to Stop It?

Our furry buddies do some strange things sometimes. In addition to chewing their filthy paws and rolling in dirty puddles, pups drink from the toilets and lick their bottoms.

In some instances, your pup may even consume its poop/faeces or the poop/faeces of some other animal or a pup. Any pet owner would find this gross and worry about it.

Why Do Dogs Eat Poop?

There are many different reasons why dogs consume poop. Some are just one-time things, while others may point to a more serious problem. Adult dogs rarely consume their own or another dog's faeces.

In certain circumstances, eating one's poop is perfectly natural. For example, nursing female dogs will eat their puppies' poop to clean their area.

It's also possible that your pup has a behavioural issue that's causing them to consume their faeces, such as:

Imitation: If you get a new dog and your other dog eats its poop, the new dog might start doing the same thing.

Stress or boredom: If you leave your dog at home all day, it may get into the habit of eating its waste. Ensure that your canine companion gets the opportunity to get some exercise during the middle of the day by hiring a dog walker if you aren't home during the day.

Scavenger instinct: It looks disgusting to us, but poop is just another interesting thing they can find and eat for pups.

Attention-seeking behaviour: If your canine companion feels that they aren't getting enough attention from you, they may go to extreme means, such as eating their own faeces, to win your attention again.

Diets deficient in nutrients: Sometimes a dog munching on poop can be a sign of a digestion issue. So it could be a good idea to talk to your vet about your pet's diet, and they may recommend giving your dog digestive supplements, probiotics, or another digestive aid. 

How Can I Stop My Pup From Eating Their Poop?

Veterinarians and dog owners have seen improvements in dogs who eat poop with a few strategies, including:

Keep the dog’s living area clean, including the yard, so there will be no piles of poop for him to eat. Out of sight out of mind

Supervise your dog on walks, and pick up their poop immediately.

Work hard on the cues "leave" and "here" One simple exercise is to teach your dog to come to you for a food treat as soon as he has pooped.

Supplementation - Your dog's bad habit could be a result of them trying to get the necessary vitamins/nutrients in its diet. While it's always good to check with your vet to ensure they're getting all the necessary vitamins and minerals, it couldn't hurt to give them a multivitamin or probiotic

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