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Why Is My Cat Always Hungry?

It’s no secret that many cats love their food, but what if your cat seems hungry all the time? Whether they’re following you into the kitchen, meowing at odd hours, or polishing off every last crumb in their bowl, excessive hunger can be a little puzzling.

There are a few reasons why your feline friend might be acting this way. Let’s explore some possible explanations!

1. Not Getting Enough Nutrients

One of the simplest reasons for a constantly hungry cat could be their diet. If your cat isn’t getting enough nutrients from their food, they might feel unsatisfied and keep asking for more.

This can happen if the food quality is low or doesn’t meet their dietary needs. To make sure your cat is getting all the essential vitamins, proteins, and fats they need, opt for a high-quality, well-balanced cat food.

2. Boredom or Stress Eating

Like humans, some cats turn to food when they’re bored or stressed. If your cat is spending too much time alone or lacks mental stimulation, they might start to demand food as a way to pass the time or soothe themselves.

Incorporating more interactive play, puzzle feeders, or toys into their day can help curb this behavior by keeping their mind occupied.

3. Hyperthyroidism

This is a common issue, especially in older cats. Hyperthyroidism occurs when a cat’s thyroid gland becomes overactive, which speeds up their metabolism and makes them feel hungrier than usual.

Cats with this condition often seem ravenous, but may lose weight despite eating more. If this sounds like your cat, it’s worth mentioning to your vet to rule out any health issues.

4. Diabetes

Diabetes can also cause an increase in appetite. When a cat’s body can’t properly use glucose, it leaves them feeling constantly hungry because their cells aren't receiving the energy they need.

Other symptoms to watch for include increased thirst and frequent urination. If your cat seems hungrier than usual and shows these signs, a trip to the vet may be necessary to check for diabetes.

5. Worms or Other Parasites

Internal parasites like worms can steal nutrients from your cat’s food, leaving them feeling hungry no matter how much they eat. This is a fairly common issue in cats, and symptoms include excessive hunger, bloating, and occasional vomiting. Luckily, this can be easily treated with medication from the vet.

6. Age or Growth Spurts

If your cat is still a kitten or going through a growth phase, they may require more food to support their development. Similarly, active adult cats may need more calories to match their energy levels.

As your cat grows or becomes more active, adjusting their portion sizes may help satisfy their increased appetite.

7. Attention-Seeking or Learned Behaviour

Cats are smart and quickly learn that meowing or following you around often results in treats or extra food. If you’ve been rewarding your cat with food when they beg, they may have learned to associate this behaviour with getting fed.

While it’s important to give them the right amount of food, you can also focus on breaking this habit with positive reinforcement and redirection to toys or playtime.

When Should You Worry?

If your cat’s hunger seems normal but a bit more frequent than usual, there’s probably no need for concern. However, if they’re displaying other symptoms like weight loss, vomiting, or changes in drinking habits, it’s a good idea to check with your vet. Conditions like hyperthyroidism, diabetes, and parasites are treatable but require proper diagnosis.

Conclusion: Keeping Your Cat Happy and Well-Fed

If your cat is acting like they’re always hungry, it’s important to consider both behavioural and medical factors. From boredom to more serious health conditions, there are many reasons why your cat’s appetite might be growing. Ensuring a balanced diet, mental stimulation, and regular checkups with the vet can help keep their hunger—and health—in check.

In most cases, a little attention to diet and activity will keep your cat’s appetite under control. And if their hunger is part of a bigger issue, addressing it early will ensure they stay healthy and happy!

P.S. Discover how NutriPaw can help support your cat's health!

Explore NutriPaw For Cats

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