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Make Summer Great: 13 Dog-Friendly Tips

Happy first day of summer! As the warm weather arrives in the UK, it's the perfect time to bond with your furry friend and create unforgettable memories together. Whether you’re hitting the beach, hiking in the mountains, or just enjoying your garden, there are plenty of ways to make the most of the summer with your dog. Here are 13 expert tips to ensure both you and your canine companion have a fun and safe season.

1. Stay Hydrated

Just like humans, dogs need plenty of water, especially during the hot summer months. Always carry a portable water bowl and fresh water when you’re out and about. Make sure your dog has access to clean water at home, and consider adding ice cubes to keep it cool. Watch for signs of dehydration such as excessive panting, dry gums, or lethargy.

2. Protect Their Paws

Pavement, sand, and other surfaces can get extremely hot and burn your dog’s paw pads. Test the surface with your hand – if it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for them. Walk your dog early in the morning or later in the evening when the ground is cooler. You can also invest in dog booties for extra protection.

3. Sun Protection

Dogs can get sunburned, especially those with short hair, light-colored fur, or exposed skin areas like the nose and ears. Apply pet-safe sunscreen to these areas before heading outside. Provide plenty of shade, whether you’re at the park or in your backyard, to give your dog a break from the sun.

4. Enjoy Water Activities

Many dogs love swimming, and it’s a great way to cool off. Whether it’s a lake, river, or dog-friendly beach, ensure the water is safe and clean. Introduce your dog to the water gradually, and always supervise them while they swim. For extra safety, consider a canine life jacket, especially for dogs that aren’t strong swimmers.

5. Exercise Smart

While exercise is important, avoid strenuous activities during peak heat hours. Opt for shorter, more frequent walks, and incorporate playtime in cooler areas like shaded parks or indoors. Pay attention to your dog’s energy levels and avoid overexertion.

6. Grooming

Regular grooming helps keep your dog comfortable in the heat. Brush their coat to remove loose fur and prevent matting, which can trap heat. However, be cautious with shaving – a dog’s coat also provides protection from the sun. Consult with a professional groomer to determine the best grooming routine for your dog’s breed.

7. Watch for Heatstroke

Heatstroke is a serious risk for dogs in hot weather. Symptoms include excessive panting, drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, and collapse. If you suspect heatstroke, move your dog to a cooler area, offer water, and apply cool (not cold) water to their body. Seek veterinary attention immediately.

8. Plan Doggy-Friendly Outings

Summer is a great time for adventures, but not all places are dog-friendly. Research parks, beaches, and hiking trails that welcome dogs. Pack essentials like water, a collapsible bowl, leash, poop bags, and treats. Ensure your dog’s ID tags and microchip information are up to date in case you get separated.

9. Fun Summer Treats

Keep your dog cool with homemade frozen treats. Simple recipes include freezing chicken broth in ice cube trays or blending yogurt with fruit and freezing it in molds. These treats not only help cool your dog down but also provide a tasty reward.

10. Create a Garden Oasis

If you prefer staying close to home, transform your backyard into a summer paradise for your dog. Set up a paddling pool for splashing, provide plenty of shade, and create a digging spot with cool sand. Interactive toys and agility equipment can also provide mental and physical stimulation.

11. Be Aware of Allergies

Summer can be a peak season for allergies, and dogs are not immune to them. Pollen, grass, and even insect bites can trigger allergic reactions in your furry friend. Common signs of allergies include excessive scratching, licking, red or inflamed skin, and watery eyes. 

12. Flea and Tick Prevention

Warm weather also means an increase in fleas and ticks, which can cause serious health problems for your dog. Regularly check your dog for fleas and ticks, especially after they’ve been outside in grassy or wooded areas. Keeping your garden tidy by mowing the lawn and removing leaf litter can also reduce the habitat for these pests.

13. Environmental Hazards

Certain plants, flowers, and even garden chemicals can pose risks to your dog during summer. Be aware of toxic plants such as lilies, azaleas, and daffodils, and keep your dog away from them. When using fertilizers or pesticides in your garden, choose pet-safe options and follow the application instructions carefully. Ensure your dog does not have access to these treated areas until it is safe.


Summer offers endless opportunities for fun and bonding with your dog, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. By staying vigilant about hydration, sun protection, exercise, grooming, and watching for allergies, fleas, and ticks, you can ensure your furry friend remains healthy and happy. Enjoy the sunshine, make memories, and cherish the time spent with your loyal companion.

P.S. Discover how NutriPaw can help support your dog's health & sumemer!

NutriPaw Summer Essentials

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