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Must Have Support For Ageing Dogs

Every dog ultimately reaches old age. Furthermore, many elderly dogs face similar issues as they reach their golden years.

However, by being proactive about your dog's health, you can ensure that your dog receives the nutrients that they require to be active long into their senior years. The right combination of vitamins and supplements can help support them.

So, let us discuss some essential supplements that your pup requires in senior age.

Some Must Have Supplements for Older Dogs

·       Omega Fatty Acids

Omega fatty acids have been shown to lower inflammation in canines with arthritis (which normally develops in senior dogs), and as a result, they may help to alleviate the pain associated with the condition.

While the body may produce certain fats but the omega fatty acids must be received from nutrition to be effective, either through food or through supplements.

Here are three primary omega fatty acids which can be helpful for every senior dog:

  1. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
  2. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
  3. Linolenic acid (LA)

The omega fatty acids, especially DHA and EPA, have been found to delay the progression of some malignancies.

They can also improve the condition of your dog's heart and kidneys, as well as the performance of their immune system.

As an added benefit, because fatty acids are beneficial to dogs' skin and coats, their fur may grow softer and more lustrous after a few weeks of supplementation.

·       Probiotics and prebiotics

You already know how much we appreciate prebiotics and probiotics for pets. These live cultures serve to safeguard the fragile microbiome in the stomach by promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria and assisting with digestion. This powerful pair works together to inhibit harmful germs that might cause disease and help maintain the equilibrium of your dog's internal systems, from the brain to the intestines. This is crucial because 'good' bacteria may be readily wiped out by the stresses of daily life, medicine, and disease, among other things. Keeping these colonies healthy can aid in the prevention of illness and the treatment of some autoimmune issues.

·       Antioxidants

In old age dogs, antioxidants aid in protecting the cells from the destructive effects of free radicals. Vitamin E, as well as beta carotene, are both considered antioxidants. Additionally, antioxidants aid in strengthening the immune system and preventing dogs from aging rapidly by maintaining their skin condition.

·       Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that should not be underestimated. It has the ability to reduce potentially damaging free radicals in the whole body and can aid in the reduction of inflammation and the aging of the brain in senior canines. Dogs can not properly generate vitamin C in their senior years, so supplementation may be beneficial.


You can boost the general health of your canine companion in his or her senior years by giving him or her the correct supplement.  Supplements may be used to alleviate pain, as well as to serve as a preventative strategy for certain issues that usually appear with age.

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