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Yeast Infection/Yeast dermatitis In Dogs?

If you are a dog owner, you know that your four-legged companion may occasionally suffer from various infections. However, you should be mindful that yeast infections/yeast dermatitis on dogs' skin are more prevalent than you may think. In this article, we will go over what yeast infections are, how to identify the signs of having a yeast infection, and, most crucially, how to treat yeast infections.

Yeast infection in Dogs: What it is?

A yeast infection in a dog is actually just a fungal infection. These infections are common among dogs, particularly canines that live in humid climates.

Your dog's immune system responds to the fungus by trying to eliminate them, just as it would to bacteria or viruses. On the other hand, fungal illness has a propensity to grow and cause havoc on your dog's health. Yeast infections frequently start as a consequence of a compromised immune system. The compromised immune system is unable to mount an effective defense against the infection, which provides the yeast with an opportunity to propagate throughout the canine's body.

Infections caused by fungi can either be systemic, in which case they spread throughout your dog's body, or localized, in which case they are confined to a specific area of the skin. In contrast, systemic fungal infections occur far less frequently.

As a consequence, the word "yeast infection," when used to describe dogs, has become a synonym for fungal infections of the pup's skin. Technically, yeast infection of the dog's skin is referred to by its scientific name, i.e., "Malassezia dermatitis."

Symptoms of Yeast Infections in Dogs

If your dog displays any of the signs mentioned below, don't delay taking them to the veterinarian or a pet dermatologist as soon as possible.

  • Changes in color and surface quality of the skin/coat
  • Alopecia
  • Itchiness, licking and rubbing the affected area
  • Swelling 
  • Bad Odor from the affected region
  • Greasy Skin
  • Dense epidermis
  • Dry, Flaky Skin
  • Shaking of the Head

Canine Yeast Infection Treatment (including homemade therapies)

When treating minor instances, effectiveness can frequently be achieved with only topical treatment, or natural remedies. Apply an antifungal lotion or shampoo to your pup's yeast infection and bathe with it for two to four weeks.

When treating moderate to severe instances, it is common practice to use antifungal ingredients that can be given to your dog orally or administered systemically. Antibiotic treatment of the bacterial infection that often accompanies yeast dermatitis in dogs might take anywhere from four to twelve weeks.

Oral anti-fungal drugs include ketoconazole, fluconazole and pasoconazole. Even though these treatments have a very high success rate, they must be administered for lengthy periods (often three months).

Homemade remedies

In minor cases you can also try using these homemade remedies to cure yeast infections:

  • Apple cider vinegar: A proper pH balance in your pet's body may be restored with apple cider vinegar, which also helps prevent yeast overgrowth. Keep in mind that yeast thrives in moist environments; hence, you should immediately administer this solution after your pup has completed swimming or after he has been bathed.
  • Apply Coconut Oil or other nourish creams/ lotions: As soon as you have alleviated your dog's itching, you may begin treating the afflicted areas of his skin. At the very least once per week, one of the most effective home remedies for treating yeast infections is to massage the area that is infected with a mixture of coconut oil and other antifungal ingredients.
  • Give your dog probiotics: One of the causes of infection is compromised immunity & gut health - Including probiotics in your dog's diet is an easy way to boost the number of helpful microorganisms.


An infection caused by yeast is a severe condition that might disrupt your dog's peacefulness. Because of this illness, they could spend the entire day scratching and chewing at the itch on their skin. And in more challenging situations, it might leave them with an acute ear infection that is uncomfortable and produces unpleasant odors.

As soon as you discover the signs of a yeast infection, it would help if you thus began treating it as quickly as possible. Consult a vet asap to eliminate yeast infections.

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