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Returns & Money Back Guarantee

We offer a no hassle, 45 day money back guarantee up on receipt of your order for our treats. 

You can try the product for 45 days, if you are not satisfied with the results we will refund your original purchase amount as long as you have told us within 45 days of order receipt

We know every dog is different and we have a unique process to help solve your issue.

To figure out the best solution as fast as possible, please include answers to these questions when you contact us:

  1. What type / breed of dog do you have?
  2. How old is he / she? 
  3. How much does he / she weight?
  4. How many treats a day did you give your dog?
  5. Did you give the treats every day? 
  6. How long did you give the treats for?
  7. Is your dog using any type of medication or supplemental food / treat with this?
  8. Why are you giving your dog this supplement? What type of problems is your dog having?
  9. Does your dog suffer from anything else? If so, what is it?

We will do our best to address your pup’s individual needs.

Please note, for most size dogs one tub should be enough to determine the effectiveness of the treats for your dog. Because of this, we are only able to honour the guarantee for 1 opened tub of treats. If you purchased more than one tub, and the treats don't work we will be more than happy to apply the guarantee to 1 opened, any other unopened tubs can be returned and refunded separately.

For any questions please contacts us on

Subscription Model

How does the Subscription Model work?

When you order a product with a subscription model, you will be charged a discounted price on the day and have the product delivered.

Select how often you want re-delivery to take place, based on your doggo's size & weight, as recommended below:

- Delivery every 24 Days - For dogs over 45 kg
- Delivery every 30 Days - For dogs 35 - 45 kg
- Delivery every 45 Days - For dogs 23 – 35 kg
- Delivery every 60 Days - For dogs 11 - 23 kg
- Delivery every 120 Days - For dogs under 11 kg

You can then relax, knowing your product will always arrive in time and your doggo will have their favourite treats!

