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Track Order

Please enter you tracking number below. If your tracking number does not work, feel free to contact us at


Subscription Model

How does the Subscription Model work?

When you order a product with a subscription model, you will be charged a discounted price on the day and have the product delivered.

Select how often you want re-delivery to take place, based on your doggo's size & weight, as recommended below:

- Delivery every 24 Days - For dogs over 45 kg
- Delivery every 30 Days - For dogs 35 - 45 kg
- Delivery every 45 Days - For dogs 23 – 35 kg
- Delivery every 60 Days - For dogs 11 - 23 kg
- Delivery every 120 Days - For dogs under 11 kg

You can then relax, knowing your product will always arrive in time and your doggo will have their favourite treats!

