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A Guide To Fleas; What You Need To Know

This post is designed to help give you a crash course on fleas; what they are, how to find them and how to help your dog!

What are they?

Fleas are one of the most prevalent types of external parasites that may infest your pet, and they can be found almost anywhere. There are several different kinds of fleas. In the world of companion animals, the dog/pup flea (Ctenocephalides canis) and the cat/kitten flea (C. felis) are the most well-known flea species. However, additional flea species may occasionally infect dogs and cats. 

Fleas are generally brownish or blackish, can measure between 1 and 2 millimeters in length, and do not have wings. These microscopic parasites obtain their nutrition from their hosts' blood and are capable of producing offspring in a reasonable amount of time.

Generally, a single adult female flea can lay up to fifty eggs in only one day. That's why it is critical that an infestation be treated as fast as possible.

How can dogs become infected with these parasites (fleas)?

Fleas are usually common throughout the summer/spring months because they require warmer temperatures and high humidity to survive, mainly when the temps range from 66 to 82 F.

The typical route for a dog to pick up fleas is by interaction with another animal that already has fleas or exposure to an area that already contains fleas. Fleas can leap up to 11-13 inches, which enables them to readily move from the lawn or from another pup to your pup at the kennels.

Animals that are typically found in backyards, such as small rodents, may also transfer fleas to your pets from dog parks or wildlife places.

How can you find whether your pet is infested with fleas?

Fleas are tough to spot because of their minute size. If you find that your pet is scratching more than normal, you may take them to an animal care facility for vet services and have them examined if you think there could be something wrong with them. You can also take a closer look at your pet's fur by yourself; fleas and ticks are easier to notice near the ears, eye edges, and mouth of the animal, and they have a propensity to leap when they are aggravated.

Dog Flea

How to prevent fleas?

The best line of defence a dog has against fleas is their skin & coat. Fleas are attracted to animals with stronger smells and less healthy skin, so the best way to help prevent fleas is by keeping their coat clean and their skin strong & healthy!

What kind of flea treatment should you use for your dog?

The best course of action is to take precautions to avoid acquiring fleas in the first place. Fleas are notoriously tricky to get rid of because their eggs can remain latent throughout your home for months at a time before they develop and start causing further trouble. Enquire with your local veterinary clinic about the availability of sprays, tablets, or monthly treatments that can lower the chances of contracting fleas.

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